Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Trip To Kerala, India : Part 2

Trip To Kerala, India : Part 2

23/10; Chalakkudy
24/10; Alapuzzha
25/10; Thrissur
26/10; Palakkad
27/10; Kochi
28/10; Balik

First Day

we all sampai dalam pukul 8pagi kot..then after arrival terus bergerak ke homestay kitaorg. Makan breakfast dulu!!!
Ni suasana luar airport Kochi

dalam rumah homestay
Breakfast ngan banana dulu

Variety of vegetarion food; all these were prepared by the owner's wife... all are vege so no worry for muslim

Outside view of our cosy and green homestay
we all go to Athirapally- Vazhachal falls (100 rupees/person)
for those yang pernah tgok cerita "Bahubali" (filem Tamil/Bollywood pon ade) scene kat waterfall tu dibuat kat cni kan...awesome!!! cantik sgt air terjun die!!!

cite bahubali the beginning..sila cari nanti ya!!

Masuk je pintu..korg kena walk dlm 2km lagi..berbukit2 jugak nak smpi waterfalls ni...mmg worth it sbb cantik sgt!!!
Pintu masuk

Monkey yg behave*mmg baik k..xtipu

Ruang pejalanan kaki

Sungai die

Saya trekking ^_^

Dari jauh

Ni kereta ni susah kot nk nmpk kt M'Sia..hehee..antik giler

Another tutt..tutt

Jualan kt tepi2 jalan nk msuk pintu tu

pemandangan dekat sikit

Vazhachal falls
Butterflies garden (30+15 rupees/person)- Thumboormuzhy Dam and hanging bridge

the butterlies garden are next to thrmboormuzhy dam..these two places were connected by the hanging bridge (quite long one..maybe around 100metres or more)...

Kerala butterflies

In butterflies park
Them..hahha..walking on the hanging bridge

Dam view from the hanging bridge

Next..we plan to go to Kauthuka park  but the day we went...the animal zoo park was closed.. T_T

then, we went back to airport to fetch 2 v.i.p (our supervisors)..diorg ambik flight mlm..then, balik mkn, we ate at normal restaurant serving halal food, its quite easy to find halal food since muslims are quite a numbers here....then, peacefully fall asleep after adventure yet enjoyable journey today
room facilities: got tv there..hanger,, towel, blanket

Second day
yeay..Alleppey houseboat ride!!!!! part 3

Amalina / Author & Editor

Currently a fulltimer PhD. student in Universiti Putra Malaysia. Travellicious. Foodielicious. Animal lovers. Proud muslim.


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Trip To Kerala, India : Part 2

23/10; Chalakkudy
24/10; Alapuzzha
25/10; Thrissur
26/10; Palakkad
27/10; Kochi
28/10; Balik

First Day

we all sampai dalam pukul 8pagi kot..then after arrival terus bergerak ke homestay kitaorg. Makan breakfast dulu!!!
Ni suasana luar airport Kochi

dalam rumah homestay
Breakfast ngan banana dulu

Variety of vegetarion food; all these were prepared by the owner's wife... all are vege so no worry for muslim

Outside view of our cosy and green homestay
we all go to Athirapally- Vazhachal falls (100 rupees/person)
for those yang pernah tgok cerita "Bahubali" (filem Tamil/Bollywood pon ade) scene kat waterfall tu dibuat kat cni kan...awesome!!! cantik sgt air terjun die!!!

cite bahubali the beginning..sila cari nanti ya!!

Masuk je pintu..korg kena walk dlm 2km lagi..berbukit2 jugak nak smpi waterfalls ni...mmg worth it sbb cantik sgt!!!
Pintu masuk

Monkey yg behave*mmg baik k..xtipu

Ruang pejalanan kaki

Sungai die

Saya trekking ^_^

Dari jauh

Ni kereta ni susah kot nk nmpk kt M'Sia..hehee..antik giler

Another tutt..tutt

Jualan kt tepi2 jalan nk msuk pintu tu

pemandangan dekat sikit

Vazhachal falls
Butterflies garden (30+15 rupees/person)- Thumboormuzhy Dam and hanging bridge

the butterlies garden are next to thrmboormuzhy dam..these two places were connected by the hanging bridge (quite long one..maybe around 100metres or more)...

Kerala butterflies

In butterflies park
Them..hahha..walking on the hanging bridge

Dam view from the hanging bridge

Next..we plan to go to Kauthuka park  but the day we went...the animal zoo park was closed.. T_T

then, we went back to airport to fetch 2 v.i.p (our supervisors)..diorg ambik flight mlm..then, balik mkn, we ate at normal restaurant serving halal food, its quite easy to find halal food since muslims are quite a numbers here....then, peacefully fall asleep after adventure yet enjoyable journey today
room facilities: got tv there..hanger,, towel, blanket

Second day
yeay..Alleppey houseboat ride!!!!! part 3

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